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How to Move More!

road running coupleIn the last decade, Australians have been moving less. In 2022, According to self-reported data from the ABS 2022 NHS, only 35% of Australians met the physical activity guidelines, a massive 20% decrease from 2018. In our increasingly sedentary world, finding ways to incorporate movement into our day is vital for living and ageing well.

Even if you have a busy work schedule, family commitments, or struggle with motivation, making time for exercise and health is essential.

Advantages of Increasing Your Physical Activity

Improved Physical Health

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also strengthens muscles and bones, enhances cardiovascular health, and boosts immune function.

Enhanced Mental Wellbeing

Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Being active can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression while also improving cognitive function and sleep quality.

Increased Energy Levels

Regular movement throughout the day can boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and enhance overall productivity.

6 Simple Tips to Stay Active

You don’t have to hit the gym each day to reap the benefits of movement. Here are some easy ways to stay active:

  • Stretch in Bed: When that alarm goes off first thing in the morning, instead of scrolling on your phone, stretch! It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as performing 6-8 pelvic tilts, lifting your arms overhead, or hugging your knees to your chest for 30 seconds while breathing. You can even add in some core activation exercises and glute bridges.
  • Sit Down and Get Back Up: Many times throughout the day, we sit down on a chair, the lounge, or even the floor to play with the kids. Whenever you perform these movements, ‘do a few extra.’ Not only is this great to increase the amount you move, but it also helps maintain and even build strength so you can keep doing the things you need to.
  • Make the Active Choice: Whether you’re on your way to work, heading into the shopping centre to get your groceries for the week, or dropping the kids off at school, make the active choice. If work is close enough, walk or cycle a couple of times a week. Park the car farther away when going into town for your appointment, or unload the stroller and walk home from school drop-off.
  • Walk After a Meal: Walking 30 minutes after each meal can help reduce the elevation of sugar in your bloodstream and aid with digestion. It doesn’t have to be long or fast to be effective; it can be an enjoyable stroll around the block.
  • Schedule Movement Breaks in Your Workday: Work can be stressful and busy. Be sure to schedule some form of movement in your day, especially if you have a sedentary job. This movement might look like strolling around the office during your lunch break, walking down the road to get a coffee, performing ten squats every 30-60 minutes, or organising a walking meeting instead of remaining seated.
  • Tell a Friend or Get Them to Join You: Telling people what you are working towards holds you more accountable and consequently makes you more likely to maintain your movement. If your friend or work colleague is keen to increase their movement and join in, even better. It only takes one person to create a ripple effect; by the end of the month, you might have the entire office performing exercise ‘snacks’ every hour!

Incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine doesn’t have to be complicated. By making small changes and adopting simple habits, you can significantly increase your activity levels and enjoy the many benefits of a more active lifestyle Jaz, Exercise Physiologist at Vitality Semaphore.

The key is consistency. Find activities you enjoy and make them a regular part of your day. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Let Us Help You Be Your Healthiest Best

At Vitality Semaphore, we love encouraging and supporting people to be the happiest and best versions of themselves. If you have any questions about incorporating more movement and exercise into your lifestyle, Jaz is always happy to help!

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