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Care for Neck Pain at Vitality Semaphore

woman working with neck painGazing downward at tablets, phones or other digital devices. Hunching over your workstation for hours a day. Sleeping in an awkward position. These are all common causes of neck pain, which is a top reason why people seek chiropractic care.

While it’s tempting to dismiss or just learn to live with neck discomfort, persistent pain may signal underlying problems that require professional attention. Let’s look at some of the causes of this type of discomfort and how we may help.

Mechanical Strain

Poor posture, repetitive movements, and prolonged periods of slouching over desks or smartphones can strain neck muscles and joints. This type of pain typically manifests as stiffness, soreness, and reduced range of motion. Here are some ways to alleviate mechanical neck pain:

  • Practise good posture
  • Take regular breaks from sedentary activities
  • Perform gentle neck stretches and exercises

Arthritic Changes

Osteoarthritis in the neck often results from natural aging processes or past injuries. This condition causes wear and tear on the cervical spine’s joints, leading to pain, inflammation, and sometimes a grating sensation during movement. While age is a factor, previous trauma can accelerate arthritic changes, sometimes manifesting decades after the initial injury.

Disc-Related Issues

Herniated or compressed discs in the neck can cause localised pain that radiates down the arms. This radicular pain may be accompanied by numbness, weakness, or tingling sensations. These symptoms can mimic other conditions, potentially leading to misdiagnosis and ineffective treatments targeting areas like the elbow or shoulder instead of addressing the root cause in the neck.

Our Approach to Care

Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive approach to addressing neck pain. This method focuses on:

  • Restoring proper spinal alignment
  • Reducing nerve interference
  • Promoting natural healing processes

We offer manual and instrument-assisted adjusting techniques and will customise our methods to gently address your discomfort.

Put Pain in Your Past

You don’t have to put up with neck pain. Contact Vitality Semaphore today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractors.



Neck Pain Relief Semaphore, Port Adelaide, West Lakes, Largs Bay SA | (08) 8242 1581