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Pregnancy Chiropractic

pregnant woman getting massage massagePregnancy is a time of significant change for a woman’s body, often bringing various aches and pains. Chiropractic care may help you stay comfortable and healthy throughout your pregnancy journey.

Here’s how the Vitality Semaphore team can support you during this special time.

Preconception Care

Starting chiropractic care before conception may create a healthier environment for pregnancy. Proper spinal alignment and nervous system function can enhance your overall well-being, making your body more receptive to pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

As your body adapts to support your growing baby, you may experience discomfort in your back, hips, and joints. Regular chiropractic adjustments may help maintain proper alignment, reduce pain, and improve mobility. Our gentle techniques are designed for both you and your baby, and may provide relief from common pregnancy-related issues such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Pelvic discomfort

Adjustments may also aid in preparing your body for labour and delivery. By ensuring proper pelvic alignment, chiropractic adjustments can support an optimal baby position and potentially reduce labour time and complications.

The postpartum period is crucial for recovery. Chiropractic care can help realign your spine after the stresses of childbirth, promoting faster recovery and reducing postpartum pain. We also offer advice on nutrition and lifestyle changes to support your overall well-being during this time.

Why Choose Us?

Our experienced team has helped many women during prenatal and postpartum care. We use gentle techniques tailored to your unique needs, ensuring both you and your baby are well-cared for. Our goal is to help you have a comfortable pregnancy and a smooth transition into motherhood.

Schedule Your Appointment

We’re here to help you take proactive steps towards a comfortable pregnancy. Schedule an appointment with us today and let our dedicated team support you through this incredible journey.

We look forward to supporting you and your growing family!


Pregnancy Chiropractic Semaphore, Port Adelaide, West Lakes, Largs Bay SA | (08) 8242 1581